Change a Paragraph Into Different Words

Change a paragraph with this tool in 3 steps:

  1. Add the paragraph you need to change.
  2. Choose how many words you want to change.
  3. Click "Change".


Words to change

  • 20%
  • 40%
  • 60%
  • 80%
  • 100%

Are you looking for a tool to help you paraphrase an essay? Check out our free online Paragraph Changer! It'll help you transform any text in a matter of seconds. Our tool is especially beneficial for students. However, anyone who needs help coming up with the original version of the source text will find it helpful. Keep reading to find out more. In this article, we'll also share some paraphrasing tips and examples.

📝 How to Use the Tool

Our paraphrasing tool is super easy to use. All you need to do is follow these steps:

  • Insert your original text into the provided space.
  • Choose the percentage of words you want to be rephrased.
  • Press the 'Change' button and get the generated text.

You can edit the text to make it more original if necessary. You can also click on any word in the generated text and see a list of synonyms to replace it with.

💭 What Is a Paraphrase?

Paraphrasing involves rephrasing a passage using different words or phrases to convey the same message. To paraphrase means to rewrite the original text in your own manner.

A paraphrase always employs distinct wording, which means you create something new that differs from the source material. Since paraphrases are unique, there's no need for quotation marks like in direct quotes. However, it's crucial to provide citations when paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original author's ideas, research, or theories.

Paraphrasing Vs. Rephrasing

Paraphrasing and rephrasing may appear similar, but there are subtle yet essential distinctions between the two. Although both involve rewording existing content, the methods and purposes differ slightly.

  • Rephrasing involves rewriting something to make it more understandable. It can be achieved by using synonyms for specific words to simplify the content for the general reader.
  • Paraphrasing is a process where you transform an original idea into a new one based on your understanding. The primary purpose of paraphrasing is to avoid plagiarism. When paraphrasing, you express the content in your own words while giving due respect to the author of the original text you are referencing.

✅ Change a Paragraph Into Different Words: Good & Bad Examples

Paraphrasing is a necessary technique when writing an essay or a research paper. However, it's essential to use it properly and be cautious when you change a paragraph into different words. Here are some good and bad examples of paraphrasing that can help you better understand the concept.

Good Paraphrase

Original Text

Many college students use too many quotations in their academic papers, leading to overuse and plagiarism cases. Generally, around 10% of your research paper should have direct quotations. Thus, you should maintain the required limit to avoid spamming your work with quotations.

Smith, John P. Research Writing. 1st ed., 1991, pp. 22-24
Good Paraphrase

In academic papers, college students often exceed the acceptable limit of quotations. It is crucial to maintain the limit, typically set at 10%, to avoid plagiarism issues. Minimizing the number of quotes used in a research paper is essential to ensure originality and readability.

(Smith 22-24)

Why this is a good paraphrase:

  • It reflects the author's ideas.
  • It keeps the ideas from the original text.
  • It employs relevant synonyms.

Bad Paraphrase

Original Text

If you want to become an effective communicator, your listeners must have accurate knowledge of the relevance of communication to avoid misjudgments. Ensure you know your target audience and their expectations.

Nick, R. Public Speaking. 2nd ed., 2000, pp50-57
Bad Paraphrase

Effective communication is a great aspect that allows you to share your ideas freely without misjudgments. If your listeners are not keen, they will not understand your message as an effective communicator.

(Nick, 2000)

Why this is a bad paraphrase:

  • It doesn't reflect the author's ideas.
  • It has similar words and sentence structures to the original text.

⚠️ Good Paraphrasing Rules

When paraphrasing, follow this set of simple rules to get effective results:

  1. Make sure you read and understand the ideas expressed in the original text.
  2. Rewrite the text using your own words and sentence structures.
  3. Improve and simplify the vocabulary.
  4. Make your paraphrase original to avoid plagiarism.
  5. Avoid overusing quotations.
  6. Use quotation marks if you use terms or specific phrases from the original text.
  7. Cite all the works you use and always mention the source's author.
  8. Keep the technical terms.

✨ Benefits of Using Our Tool

Our online paraphrasing tool can benefit students, writers, researchers, and anyone who wants to improve their paper. Here's why you should definitely try it out:

⏳ It saves time You'll get a paraphrased text in a matter of seconds.
🎁 It's free Our tool is free, so you don't have to worry about money.
🖱️ It's easy to use Our paraphraser has a simple interface so that anyone can use it.
🖥️ It doesn't need any additional software You don't have to download any applications to use our tool. Just paste your original text, select the percentage of paraphrased words, and click the "Change" button.
📍 It's accurate The tool provides you with original text that you can use for your paper.

❓ Change a Paragraph Into My Own Words: FAQ

❓ What Is a Good Paraphrase?

A good paraphrase expresses the ideas of the original text using different words. A paraphrased text's length is similar to the source material; however, the sentence structure is not the same as in the original text. Also, an excellent paraphrase maintains the source material's technical terms and unique vocabulary.

❓ How Do I Rephrase a Sentence?

Rephrasing involves enhancing the text's clarity and readability. Several effective techniques can be employed for this purpose. One approach is using synonyms or adjusting word choices to make the text flow more naturally. Modifying the sentence structures, tense, and author's voice can also prove effective in rephrasing the text.

❓ Is Rephrasing the Same as Paraphrasing?

Rephrasing and paraphrasing are two techniques that may appear similar, but there are subtle yet essential differences between the two. Rephrasing involves modifying a text by changing words and sentence structures to enhance clarity and readability. On the other hand, paraphrasing entails rewriting the source material with your own words while preserving the original meaning.

🔗 References

  1. Improving Your Sentence Structure - Write Clearly: Grammar - Guides at University of Guelph
  2. MLA Formatting Quotations - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University
  3. How to Be an Effective Communicator in 7 Easy Steps | Walden University
  4. Paraphrasing, Summarising and Quoting | UNSW Current Students