Sykes Cottages Ltd.’s Human Resource Management


Hospitality is one of the most profitable businesses in England and the world at large. Organizations in the hospitality sector have many global expansion options since many tourists prefer various destinations spread across the world. Sykes Cottages Ltd. is one of the companies in England that has explored opportunities in the sector. The firm provides unique experiences for tourists in the UK during holidays. Although the organization has not considered expanding its operations globally, the Turkish Republic of Cyprus is a viable option. Expanding to the new market requires the company to consider human resource management in the global context.

Throughout the report, various key terms will be used to help the audience synthesize and understand human resource management (HRM) concepts from a global perspective. Human resources involves people who make up an organizational workforce. Meanwhile, HRM refers to the collective process of managing the organizational workforce. Ethics involves moral principles that organizations adopt to guide the behavior of their employees. Discrimination includes unjust and unfair treatment at the place of work based on one’s race or gender. Sustainable development goals include interlinked objectives aimed at transforming the world.

The report will be organized into four major sections each discussing concepts relevant to the topic. The first section of the report explores ethical HRM and CSR concepts in the global context. The second section discusses equality and diversity in employment and their importance in HRM. The third section involves a succinct look into three SDGS: gender equality, reduced inequalities, and decent work and economic growth. The fourth section, the conclusion, will summarize key points and recommendations for Sykes Cottages Ltd.

Ethical HRM, Corporate Social Responsibility, and the UN SDGs

Organizational success is anchored on various factors that are internal and external to a company. Internal organizational factors include those that affect routine operations and management of human resource activities (Amoako et al., 2022). Unlike the external environment, companies have full control of their internal environment. Aligning HRM with ethical codes and CSR is an integral part of enhancing employee effectiveness and proactivity (Sarfo et al., 2021). Expanding to the new area of operation, Sykes Cottages Ltd. must consider factors that are influential to its HRM. Therefore, principles of ethical HRM and CSR will help the company increase employee effectiveness and profitability in the Turkish Republic of Cyprus.

Ethical HRM and Corporate Social Responsibility Concept

Concepts of Ethical HRM

Organizations are involved in routine activities crucial for profitability and meeting stakeholders’ objectives. Sykes Cottages Ltd., as a hospitality company, is involved in the recruitment of employees such as marketers, tour guides, and chefs, among others. HRM is a collective term for the activities revolving around the recruitment, management, and compensation of employees (Farrukh et al., 2022). HRM needs a special approach that will help in recruiting the most competent employees and managing them in an effective manner (Kadam et al., 2022). Therefore, it is significant for the company’s Human resource (HR) department to integrate values and principles that promote organizational goals.

Ethics is a multifaced concept and is relative to an individual’s cultural and social background. However, the term can be used to describe a set of generally accepted moral codes that guides decision-making within an institution (Banks et al., 2022). Ethics in HRM can be described as a means by which a business embeds and upholds its values at various organizational levels (Kadam et al., 2022). Ethical HRM promotes accountability and human rights, making the working environment conducive for all employees (Zhu, Ouyang, and Chen, 2022). Therefore, organizations must embed morally accepted values and behaviors when recruiting, managing, and compensating their employees.

Importance of Ethical HRM

Ethical HRM serves various purposes that are beneficial to organizations. Firstly, ethical HRM help garners long-term employee loyalty, proactiveness, and trust (Rajhans and Bhavsar, 2022). Proactive employees are pivotal for organizational growth and increased productivity (Ismael et al., 2022). Secondly, ethical HRM is crucial for an excellent brand reputation. Consequently, there is a potentially increased number of clients interested in the organization’s products and services. Thirdly, ethics in HRM is key to accountability and, consequently, high investor interest in the company (Zhu, Ouyang, and Chen, 2022). Lastly, organizations that recruit employees guided by ethical principles to gain a competitive advantage over others (Rajhans and Bhavsar, 2022). Ethical HRM promotes positive business growth and employee productivity.

Promoting Ethical HRM

Sykes Cottages Ltd. can benefit from ethical HRM when expanding to the Turkish Republic of Cyprus. The organization can adopt various approaches to promote ethical HRM in the new country of expansion. Research on the accepted moral codes of conduct in the new country can help develop a recruitment strategy. Additionally, integrating a non-discriminatory rule in its recruitment process can make the HR department more accountable (Delecraz et al., 2022). The rule will help address the issue of racism during the recruitment process. Organizations should have tough measures against the staff who present themselves or conduct business activities in an unethical manner. Furthermore, the company can consider developing HR policies that are unique to the Cyprus people. The policy should highlight core values including respect for human dignity.

Concept of CSR

Organizations are mostly driven by the need for profitability and further expansion. Consequently, major companies disregard the needs of the societies and communities where they operate (Skorge and Rasmussen, 2021). For instance, an oil company can continue drilling for oil without caring for the communities that are affected by oil spillage (Theophilus, Falode, and, Ogunshe, 2022). In the global context, organizations must develop frameworks that make them socially accountable to themselves (Zhu, Ouyang, and Chen, 2022). CSR is a concept of management that requires organizations to integrate social and environmental concerns throughout their routine operations (Skorge and Rasmussen, 2021). The concept can be well described as an international private business self-regulation activity.

CSR is guided by various principles that intend to integrate social and environmental concerns in the area of organizational operations. Some of the underlying principles that guide CSR development are anti-corruption, social commitment, labor rights, and environmental responsibility (Zhu, Ouyang, and Chen, 2022). Anti-corruption involves activities that discourage dishonest business activities and transactions (Bowra et al., 2022). Meanwhile, social commitment includes the initiative taken by a company to help its neighboring communities (Beal, 2013). Companies are involved in activities such as campaigns against corruption and charitable donations to meet their CSR objectives.

Importance of CSR

Aligning organizational goals with the needs of the community and environment can be beneficial. Firstly, CSR helps companies gain the trust of society, making it easy to carry out routine operations (Zhou, Jia, and Yang, 2022). For instance, the community will always be ready to compromise for the organization. Secondly, there is increased support from investors since some of the are concerned about environmental conservation (Liu, Zhang, and Zhang, 2022). Thirdly, CSR is key to sustainability since the adoption of a green strategy promotes the use of renewable sources of energy. Lastly, organizations with effective CSR have high customer loyalty and retention rates. Therefore, organizations should adopt CSR for their benefit.

Promoting CSR

Sykes Cottages Ltd., as a hospitality company, can integrate CSR as part of its expansion strategy. The organization can consider offering its services for free to dysfunctional and vulnerable members of society (Zhou, Jia, and Yang, 2022). For instance, gifting widows and orphans with free holiday packages can be a good gesture. Moreover, the company can adopt sustainable housing as its key CSR business model to address the issue of environmental pollution (lejandra Gonzalez-Perez, 2013). The use of electric cars and renewable sources of energy in its cottages in Cyprus can be attractive to people who love the environment. Furthermore, the company can consider offering paid internships to students who graduate from universities in the Turkish Republic of Cyprus. Promoting CSR activities presents Sykes Cottages Ltd. with myriad opportunities.

Equality and Diversity in Employment

Global expansion attracts diverse human resources and other organizational stakeholders. The Turkish Republic of Cyprus has citizens with diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Additionally, Sykes Cottages Ltd. has HR that consists of individuals from different races and ethnic backgrounds. Equality and diversity are crucial for organizations that intend to attract a broad consumer base (Sordi, Tate, and Huang, 2022). Equality and equity, although they have different meanings, can be used interchangeably (Kadam et al., 2022). Integrating equality and employee diversity can help Sykes Cottages Ltd. reap more financial gains in the Turkish Republic of Cyprus.

Meaning of Equality

Organizations attract individuals from various social, political, and cultural backgrounds. In many communities, some groups of individuals are believed to be more privileged than others (Sordi, Tate, and Huang, 2022). For instance, in the U.S. African Americans are less privileged than Whites. Consequently, there is a competing interest among the communities, denying others their right to access social amenities (Cech, 2022). Equality involves allowing individuals from different cultural, economic, and social backgrounds to have similar and equal opportunities (Sordi, Tate, and Huang, 2022). Additionally, the term can mean the act of allowing every community member to make the most out of their lives. Therefore, an organization that promotes equality encourages fair treatment while discouraging discrimination.

Meaning of Diversity

Diversity is considered one of the most important aspects of an organization. Working in a foreign country requires inclusivity and a depiction of a global family. Diversity involves having a range of employees from various racial, ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds (Digital Marketing Institute, 2022). Consequently, the needs of every represented community are fulfilled by an organization. Although managing a diverse employee structure can be challenging, it is beneficial to the organization (Sordi, Tate, and Huang, 2022). The HR department needs to adopt effective approaches to ensure that the needs of all the represented communities are met. Diversity and equality are related since the latter involves access to recourse in a diverse setting.

Importance of Equality and Diversity

Organizations that encourage equality and diversity are more successful than the ones that do not. Equality and diversity encourage employees’ active participation in organizational activities. The employees feel represented and appreciated since they have access to resources just like their colleagues. Additionally, equality and diversity are key in promoting organizational goals and consequent profitability (Zhou, Jia, and Yang, 2022). Diversity encourages employee competence, which in turn is crucial for increased profitability and meeting shareholders’ targets (Sordi, Tate, and Huang, 2022). Furthermore, a broad consumer base is anchored on equality and diversity since the customers are attracted to employees who represent their needs.

Promoting Equality and Diversity

Promoting equality and diversity might need an organization to address gender discrimination. The hospitality industry is considered a feminine one, and the majority of males face discrimination. Therefore, Sykes Cottage Ltd. may need to address the issue of gender discrimination by discouraging such acts. Meanwhile, the organization can develop an ethical code of conduct that emphasizes equality and diversity (Zhou, Jia, and Yang, 2022). Moreover, the recruitment process should be underpinned by diversity to allow all members of society to be represented. Sykes Cottage Ltd. should integrate equality and diversity into its routine activities.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Reduced Inequalities

Inequality encumbers social and economic growth among countries and organizations. The issue is addressed under SDG number 10, and it involves various approaches that reduce discrimination at the institutional level (Fleacă, Fleacă, and Maiduc, 2018). Although the goal has ten targets, Sykes Cottages Ltd. can integrate two targets: reduce income inequalities and end discrimination. The organization when expanding, should consider employing locals to improve their income levels. Meanwhile, an end to discrimination can be achieved by integrating non-discriminatory policies and regulations (Muzata et al., 2019). The regulation will be stricter on employees who discriminate against others on their skin color or financial status. A non-discriminatory working environment is crucial for a business’s success.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Employees need a conducive working environment for increased proactivity and productivity. Decent work and economic growth are SDG number 8 which focuses on financial empowerment. The goal has twelve targets but the company can help in advancing sustainable economic growth, upgrading economic productivity, and promoting policies to support job creation and growing enterprises (Bennich, Weitz, and Carlsen 2020). Expansion in Cyprus creates employment opportunities crucial for economic growth. Additionally, the establishment of Sykes Cottages Ltd. in Cyrus will upgrade the country’s economic growth. Therefore, SDGs 10 and 8 can be promoted by expanding business operations to Cyprus.

Conclusion and Key Recommendations

Key Points

Organizational success is anchored on ethical HRM, CSR, equality and diversity, and SDGs. Ethical HRM involves all practices that integrate moral conducts and values that are accepted by a given so city. Meanwhile, CSR includes all activities that promote the welfare of individuals living in an area of organizational operations. Equality and diversity involve approaches that give all the stakeholders opportunities to enjoy organizational resources regardless of their ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Companies with ethical HRM and integrated equality and diversity are profitable since their employees are motivated and proactive. Additionally, the organizations have excellent brand reputations which is crucial for a broad consumer base. SDGs number 8 and 10 can be achieved by Sykes Cottages Ltd.’s expansion to Cyprus. Therefore, Sykes Cottages Ltd. must integrate the concepts of ethical HRM and CSR when expanding globally.

Key Recommendations

Sykes Cottages Ltd. can reap increased profitability from its expansion to the Turkish Republic of Cyprus. The organization can adopt four key recommendations for effective transition and expansion. Firstly, the company should adopt an ethical code that would guide the HR department when recruiting employees in the new country. The code would promote fairness and diversity during the recruitment in the new country of operation. Secondly, the organization should prioritize locals for new employment opportunities in SDGs 8 and 10.. Thirdly, the recruitment team should focus on a diverse team in terms of gender, culture, and ethnicity, among others, during recruitment.

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